When All Aound Seems Crazy, Go Inside and Be.

They say that the cure for any poison is close to the poison. These past few weeks I have been in a not so great place in my head. Even saying I am in my head is not great because it’s crazy in there.

Anyway I have been supping on the poison of my ego for a couple of weeks. Oh the misery for me and anyone near me !  The smell of burning martyr ( you know what I mean) was gagging and I rolled around in the ashes of my self esteem like my dog rolls around in grass. I lay there and I made sure I did it good. I believed all the crazy stupid daft poisonous crap my ego mind could feed me.

And I listened to it and I believed it – there you are. Bless me Father for I have sinned.

My house is full of every self help spiritual book going and I have read them all – what a waste of time and money that was !

What is/was the point of all of this if I was going to lie down and be walked over by little me !

What is the cure for this – go inside.

Go inside and breatheeeeeeeeeeee.   Yes I eventually clicked that my ego does not love me and will never love so what was I at?

So this morning I sat on my sofa and I breathed.

I breathed in peace – it was pale blue and I could see it seep deep into my body.

Then I breathed in baby pink love and it went deep deep into my being.

Then I sat and was. Like a gentle breeze I allowed the peace to gently drift me back to Source.

Then I forgave myself and I wrapped myself in love and settled into my heart space with God.

I wish you all peace and love in this beautiful precious moment in time.

The cure for everything is always close by – in your soul. So go inside and as a gentle as a whisper say Hi, I’m back.

God is there – always – and this is all free. It’s not in a book or  a poster but in your soul.

I wish you all peace and love and courage.

Big love

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