The Greatest Love Of All !

I believe  and I know that we are all doing better than we think in this crazy world.

What do I mean?

Well, if you look around you, we are bombarded with subtle negative feedback – we can be thinner, have clearer skin, earn more and on and on.   For whatever reason we are being told that we are not enough.

Perhaps you got it from your parents – ‘Look at cousin John – he was never a bother and look at him now earning all that money and he is so happy’, or ‘you’re not like your sister – you have to work harder because the good looks passed you by. I say this out of love’.

Some religions thrive on ‘reminding ‘ us, how ‘bad’ we are and that it’s ‘good’ to suffer. What a load of ……

You get the picture – we can all dig deep and pull out a gem of a comment that was said ‘out of love’. Yes it was said out of love – there was no love involved !

Anyway as I was saying, if we take a moment and realise that we are all doing really well. Yes we are !

Did you smile today? Did you say I love you to at least one person – in my case it was my dog.

Did you help some one?

Did you love yourself – even if it was a tiny tiny thing like having a bubble bath or read a book you love or indulge yourself?

If you did one thing for yourself today – good for you. Keep it going. Remember that the universe is loving and generous and sees you as you really are. The universe wants you to be happy.

We must love ourselves first and then everyone else. We can do this by seeing and acknowledging the divine in ourselves and others – namaste.

The greatest love we can experience is the love we give ourselves. How do we do that- by being kinder and more compassionate to ourselves and everyone else. Big challenge!

So don’t pay too much attention to the ads or the blurb we are fed day in and day out.

You are precious and wonderful. Love yourself so much that life gets better and better every day.

Have a wonderful week everyone.

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