Wearing SomeOne Elses Clothes

What do you believe in – really deep deep down where no one else can see?

What you say you believe and what you deep deep down believe in – are they the same or are they poles apart?

If the two beliefs about the same thing are different, which one is the truth?

I thought I had a pretty good belief system until I went still and looked into the deep recesses of my mind and oh dear I have been fooling myself.

My belief system of life and how we exist is not healthy. It had a very strong vein of anxiety, scarcity, resignation and bitterness running through it.

After a bit of head scratching at this discovery I decided to look around to see where this had come or what was causing it.

I didn’t have to look too far ! I had unconsciously taken on board the belief systems of my parent – aaghh. Oh my goodness how did that happen?

Well I could pace the floors wondering about this but the truth it happened when I was growing up when the gloom and doom of parental beliefs filtered into my young naive mind and I kept it there.

Yep ‘Miss I have been To University And Seen The World’ has been carrying around someone elses’ beliefs. I had become my mother – and not the nice part !

It’s like wearing my mothers clothes that don’t fit and I look crap in them. They don’t belong to me. They are not my taste so why the heck am I wearing them?

In the stillness, like an old movie re-run, all the times in my life where I had sabotaged myself popped up because I was running the old restricted belief system again and again and again.

I watched and cringed at my closed mind and I should have known better.

The details of that thought system are not relevant now. The thing now is to get rid of them.

I am now re-writing my belief patterns. I am digging them up, one by one and challenging them and like a computer game shooting them out of my consciousness. It is going to take time but I believe that as a belief is challenged it loses 50% of its power.

I am using EFT, affirmations and visualizations to pop them out of my mind and render them useless. I am overwriting the hard drive of my mind – oh don’t I sound all techie and psychie !!!

I am not feeding those thoughts/beliefs AGAIN EVER but I gotta keep at it otherwise they will sneak back.

Happy Friday everyone.

It is pelting rain here in Ireland (I know it does that anyway) but we did have a lovely September.